- All comments will be limited to two (2) minutes and compliance will be enforced to ensure timely conductance of District business.
- Board of Supervisors are not under legal obligation to accept, concur with or read any offered public comment(s).
- Appropriate action(s) will be taken as necessary by the Board of Supervisors to maintain public order during the meeting.
- The Board of Supervisors Chairperson will acknowledge members of the public who raise their hand to signify they wish to provide comment.
- Public comment pertaining to specific items on the approved meeting agenda will be allowed by the Board of Supervisors Chairperson as each item is discussed.
- At the discretion of the Board of Supervisors Chairperson, comments not pertaining to the agenda but pertinent to DASWCD general responsibilities, may or may not be allowed. Requests to make such comments will only be considered when presented at the beginning of each meeting following approval of the agenda.
- While this policy pertains to conductance of DASWCD meetings, public comments may also be submitted at any time to the District Manager by phone, letter, or internet as follows:
Phone: 575-649-9314
Letters: DASWCD Program Manager
760 Stern Drive, Suite 118
Las Cruces, NM 88005
Email: j.kleitz@daswcd.org